Some of the immediate interventions are to:
Consolidate existing leanings into a well structured body of
knowledge that can relate successful experiences that can be
communicated to enable suitable adaptation of practices to
strengthen locally relevant action for sustainable
Capacity building Programme- farmers, Youth, Faculties,
Think Tank meet, Round table Meet at national and
International level.
- Action Research
Organized exhibitions and Side Event at national and
International level
Develop a dynamic dissemination system using state – of –
art ICT tools and other modes to optimize interactions with
Analyze empirical information about impacts of global
warming on livelihood especially in rural areas and
articulate appropriate policy prescriptions for mitigation
and adaptation Identify suitably adaptable experiences and
documented same and disseminate.
Developing crop practices in arena of climate change in
livestock and Fisheries Management.
Better understanding of absorption of CO2 and release of
oxygen by crops, grasses, plants and trees under different
agro climatic conditions;
Value added in agriculture for making it a resilient source
of economic and environmental well being &
Communicate with national and international organizations
involved in mitigation and adaptation to mainstream
agriculture and prevent relegating it.
- Promote Climate Smart Agriculture
- Promote Climate Smart Villages and cities.
- Develop Knowledge Multiplier Model